Przeglądając Vogue albo Harper's BAZAAR można by pomysleć, że autorzy artykułów myślą, że przeciętną osobę stać na to, żeby co miesiąc wydać 1000 dolarów na ciuchy i buty, i że co sezon kupuje nowy płaszcz. Niestety nie zawsze jest to możliwe.Te wszystkie magazyny to ma być inspiracja dla kształtowania naszego osobistego stylu. Poczytałam tu i ówdzie i zebrałam kilka porad, które sprawią, że nasz wygląd będzie szykowny nawet, jesli rzeczy nie są specjalnie drogie. Niektóre z tych porad mogą się wydawać oczywistością (choć czasem mogą wymagać dodatkowego wysiłku), inne moga się okazać nowością (dla niektórych z Was). Poczytajcie więc i potem popatrzcie jak to robi Miranda Kerr.
Tip #1: Make friends with a tailor in the neighborhood.
Instead of wearing your last buy straight away, take an extra two days from purchase to have your neighborhood tailor correct it a little bit for you if needed. It will elevate the final product way beyond its original price. One of my friends always went to a tailor to make her jeans narrow as she had very slim legs (lucky her). It applies to dresses too.
Tip #2: Press your clothes.
Isn't it something your grandma was telling you? The extra ten minutes to steam or press your look will add instant wow effect to even your worn clothes.

Tip #3: Invest in some good accessories.
Good accessories change the entire look and can make it exceptional. Don't be afraid of adding some gold to your ordinary outfit, buy a nice looking good quality bag.

Tip #4: All white or all black - choose one you like most.
Two most fashionable colors. Additionally monochrome outfit never look unintentional. This is the tip I often use myself - white in the summer, black for the rest of the year.

Tip #5: Use a belt.
Wearing a plain dress or a baggy sweater mark your waist with a chic belt for maximum impact. Make it genuine leather - it will look great.

Tip #6: Your handbag should be neat.
No matter if you have a handbag from a popular shop or a Birkin, make sure it looks neat, clean and shiny. It will elevate your look for sure.

Tip #7: Hair and makeup - your greatest assets.
Shiny hair, flawless skin and lipstick - these are the ultimate finishing touches. This is what all people passing by will see! Make sure they look the way you like it. Every day. Have you ever seen Miranda Kerr without makeup or with disorganized hair?

Tip #8: Good, timeless jacket or coat is your best friend.
Focus on purchasing coats that are forever: black leather jacket, classic camel, belted trench, raw denim - they will make any outfit look great.

Tip #9: Make your denim look smart.
Add heels to your jeans and keep the washes classic. White or black shirt and jeans always look good. And this is one of the simplest tricks.

Tip #10: Match your bag and your shoes.
To make the outfit look intentional make them the same color.
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